According to energy consumption map, about 38% energy resources from entire world have been used to generate electricity. This electricity comes from hydro, biomass, geothermal, wind, solar, nuclear, coal and natural gases. The other sources such as petroleum and natural gases go to industrial, commercial, residential, light-duty vehicle, freight and air craft. Nuclear only used for generating electricity which is about 8.13% from total portion of energy resources. The energy consumption in form of transportation, industry, agriculture, domestic and food the day by day is keep increasing according to The British Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution. With the increasing of demand in electricity, the minimum demand (base load) is about 10,258 MW. The latest peak demand is about 15037 MW. How do meet the base load 10,258 MW demand? This base load needs to be supplied by coal, gas and hydro.
All this conventional technologies produce the CO2 green house gases by process of combustion. This green house gases clearly is not good for our world. These green gases will make the effect of the earth’s surface warming because it is preventing the infrared radiation from passes through the atmosphere and lost in space. The average concentration of CO2 today is about 388.15 parts per million (ppm). We must remember that, the breakaway emission of CO2 is 450 ppm!! With the current population growth, in year 2025, the number of 450 ppm will be achieved. We cannot live anymore when we achieved that number. We are getting closer and closer.
Increase in carbon concentration is related with the increase in temperature. When the temperature goes up, the temperature at North Atlantic and the Southern Ocean will also goes up. Again, we must remember that this place is the coolest place in our world. This place is the important part of thermahaline circle or The Great Conveyor Belt. What will happen if the heart of this Great Conveyor Belt is affected? We must highlight that, all the phenomenon, the climate change in this world is related with this Great Conveyor Belt. The hot wind is circulated around the world followed this conveyor path and the hot wind is cooled at the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean. We cannot let the heart of Great Conveyor Belt be effected by the rise of temperature. So we have to turn to green energy.